@ashley gentry Davis as a mother who also had a first born daughter not be nourished enough with breastfeeding, I can relate with your experience and relief at giving formula followed by joy at dirty diapers and rising weight. Thank you so much for relating this experience to our spiritual nourishment. It was beautiful and I felt it with my whole body.
Colleen. I have no words. 💔 I am much younger than you but have such a similar experience. I am just now starting to grapple with the trauma of my early years of marriage when we were both naive and ignorant. This sentence perfectly encapsulates my experience too. "sex became trauma and damaged our relationship and the very fiber of my soul." This exact thing is what I have been grieving the last few weeks. I am so devastated that our marriage started out, completely unintentionally, with trauma. I have no idea how to begin healing but it gives me so much hope that you and your husband have come out the other side better for it. Thank you so much for sharing your pain, I now know I'm not alone. ❤️
Gosh, I love the women in this group. Thank you all, yet again, for sharing your experiences, your wisdom, your hearts. The rest of us are the better for it.
I also had an experience receiving personal revelation that polygamy never came from God. This happened 3 years ago when I was 37 years old. After decades of praying for helping feeling better about polygamy and the trauma and existential dread it caused me, I finally told God I was done. I would never be open to this being inspired again. A powerful experience with God that I did not expect followed.
Just the other day I heard yet another experience of a woman getting shut down in Sunday school after saying she had a spiritual experience revealing to her that polygamy was not from God. I love every time I hear someone share that revelation and hope it becomes more common.
Colleen, thank you so much for writing and sharing this. I support you 1000% in your assertions that polygamy still taints our experiences and needs to be grappled with. Here is something I wrote recently in a post to be published in Oct.: "The emotional detachment, hubris, and abuses of power that Joseph modeled foster the same vices in our leaders’ approaches and policies to this day. The fallout of polygamy goes far beyond plural marriage proper (which lives on in our scriptural canon and sealing policies). It has made our Church rigid, biased, overconfident and anxious about sex, marriage, and gender roles, priesthood authority over members, and the treatment of those who are sexually different. When will our leaders’ bubble of apathy and arrogance toward the suffering of women, marginalized groups, and lay members burst? When will women and men and leaders and members come to sit side by side as equals, having moved past the fantasies and threats of polygamy toward partnership and reciprocity?"
@ashley gentry Davis as a mother who also had a first born daughter not be nourished enough with breastfeeding, I can relate with your experience and relief at giving formula followed by joy at dirty diapers and rising weight. Thank you so much for relating this experience to our spiritual nourishment. It was beautiful and I felt it with my whole body.
Colleen. I have no words. 💔 I am much younger than you but have such a similar experience. I am just now starting to grapple with the trauma of my early years of marriage when we were both naive and ignorant. This sentence perfectly encapsulates my experience too. "sex became trauma and damaged our relationship and the very fiber of my soul." This exact thing is what I have been grieving the last few weeks. I am so devastated that our marriage started out, completely unintentionally, with trauma. I have no idea how to begin healing but it gives me so much hope that you and your husband have come out the other side better for it. Thank you so much for sharing your pain, I now know I'm not alone. ❤️
Gosh, I love the women in this group. Thank you all, yet again, for sharing your experiences, your wisdom, your hearts. The rest of us are the better for it.
I also had an experience receiving personal revelation that polygamy never came from God. This happened 3 years ago when I was 37 years old. After decades of praying for helping feeling better about polygamy and the trauma and existential dread it caused me, I finally told God I was done. I would never be open to this being inspired again. A powerful experience with God that I did not expect followed.
Just the other day I heard yet another experience of a woman getting shut down in Sunday school after saying she had a spiritual experience revealing to her that polygamy was not from God. I love every time I hear someone share that revelation and hope it becomes more common.
Colleen, thank you so much for writing and sharing this. I support you 1000% in your assertions that polygamy still taints our experiences and needs to be grappled with. Here is something I wrote recently in a post to be published in Oct.: "The emotional detachment, hubris, and abuses of power that Joseph modeled foster the same vices in our leaders’ approaches and policies to this day. The fallout of polygamy goes far beyond plural marriage proper (which lives on in our scriptural canon and sealing policies). It has made our Church rigid, biased, overconfident and anxious about sex, marriage, and gender roles, priesthood authority over members, and the treatment of those who are sexually different. When will our leaders’ bubble of apathy and arrogance toward the suffering of women, marginalized groups, and lay members burst? When will women and men and leaders and members come to sit side by side as equals, having moved past the fantasies and threats of polygamy toward partnership and reciprocity?"