“Where we learn a great deal about Satan and nothing of Heavenly Mother.” That hurts.

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This is all so good. I remember a few years ago all the stakes in my area were told to pray and fast for rain (I'm in Southern AZ, we're in perpetual drought) and then the following week we had some REALLY good rain storms. And then at church everyone was like "it worked!" And I remember thinking... Ok... Fine... But the problem is very much NOT solved. One good monsoon season did not just make up for years of bad ones. Climate change is still real. We still need to vote for people who care about the climate.

I loved this line from another submission. "What if caring for the living mattered even a fraction as much as work for the dead? What impact could this have on society?" So so good.

And the more I learn about Brigham Young the more icky I feel. 😬

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Amen to all this and thank you for writing such beautiful words ladies! And there’s so much history to unearth, isn’t there? I’ve been studying hard for a decade and I haven’t touched the history of those who stayed in Nauvoo. Brigham was a piece of work, wasn’t he? While I’m sure those who stayed had just as many demons as the pioneers that left, it breaks my heart to hear Brigham disparage little boys for following their mother. It’s another moment of “WTH have I been taught?!”

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JUST last night my husband and I were saying all these same things about fasting!! It just makes no logical sense to believe we can fast and receive rain, yet we don’t bother fasting for peace in Gaza!? Or anything “real”? Bc it’s just a ludicrous way to truly believe God will listen if only more people are praying for the same thing and fasting too? Over and over, everyone is reaching the same conclusions completely separate from one another. THAT is the only actual collective God group work that is being done right now I believe.

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A few weeks ago in relief society a woman commented that whenever she feels worried about things going on in our country (the US) she just remembers how many people are praying for it and then she feels better. And I thought, does that mean no one is praying for Gaza? For Ukraine? For Iran, Afghanistan and Sudan? For Syria? Of course that can't be true.

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