“Would, Could, Should” 😭💝 I felt reminded of that little girl that I shoved away for so long when I read this. I think this poem gives a voice to the beautiful self that we learned not to to trust so early in life. I’ve wondered what I could be if I had listened to her but reading this poem makes me think she might still have a chance. Thank you!
I loved the first piece on temples. I absolutely always assumed that temples were built to the highest possible standard of perfection and it's very interesting to know that they actually aren't completely perfect. I loved the insights on how that relates to grace as well.
I absolutely devoured all of the content in this week’s newsletter. This is what it feels like to read inspired work. Thank you to all the contributors!
"The lack of shame stands out to newcomers of Zion. There is no shame for bodies, no shame for ideas, no shame for needs or differences. No shame for tears, no shame for heartache, no shame for sadness, mistakes, or questions."
This moved me. What a beautiful vision, Crystal, thank you! The circles in which I can show up with all my honest feelings and ideas are the healthiest and safest places for me. It's really only in these spaces I grow. I love the emphasis on how disagreement also must be part of a beloved and sacred community. And how you explain Zion is not one place who've seen, but your integration of many instances. We can discern what the good fruits of relationships and community are for ourselves, gathering every golden thread from our lives woven in with whatever weeds.
“Would, Could, Should” 😭💝 I felt reminded of that little girl that I shoved away for so long when I read this. I think this poem gives a voice to the beautiful self that we learned not to to trust so early in life. I’ve wondered what I could be if I had listened to her but reading this poem makes me think she might still have a chance. Thank you!
I loved the first piece on temples. I absolutely always assumed that temples were built to the highest possible standard of perfection and it's very interesting to know that they actually aren't completely perfect. I loved the insights on how that relates to grace as well.
What amazing writers we have in this community! Another amazing newsletter that fed my soul. ❤️❤️❤️
I absolutely devoured all of the content in this week’s newsletter. This is what it feels like to read inspired work. Thank you to all the contributors!
Brittany's "Selfless" speaks my truth. Hoping for a more and more developed self for the rest of my life. Beautiful poem!
"The lack of shame stands out to newcomers of Zion. There is no shame for bodies, no shame for ideas, no shame for needs or differences. No shame for tears, no shame for heartache, no shame for sadness, mistakes, or questions."
This moved me. What a beautiful vision, Crystal, thank you! The circles in which I can show up with all my honest feelings and ideas are the healthiest and safest places for me. It's really only in these spaces I grow. I love the emphasis on how disagreement also must be part of a beloved and sacred community. And how you explain Zion is not one place who've seen, but your integration of many instances. We can discern what the good fruits of relationships and community are for ourselves, gathering every golden thread from our lives woven in with whatever weeds.