How does your religion influence your activism? And how does your activism influence your personal practice of your religion? For Jody England Hansen, there’s never been a boundary between “What kind of member of the Church are you?” and “What kind of member of the world are you?” She writes, “If you see a need, an injustice, and there is something you can do about it, Jesus calls you to do it.” Episode 124 is a conversation about showing up to advocate for and support others in the world, wherever, whenever, and however we feel called to do it.

Notes & Quotes:
Making Peace: Personal Essays, by Eugene England
Also find selected Eugene England essays here
Jesus Wants Me for an Activist, by Jody England Hansen, Exponent II, 12/1/2022
Voting as Fire Extinguisher, by Kyle Tran Myhre

“I pray constantly for help in being willing to consider what I hadn’t considered before, to be open to new ways of seeing the world, and my fellow beings.” — Jody England Hansen