Cynthia and Susan are joined by Jeralee for a discussion of agency. If we believe it’s a foundational component of the plan, why is it sometimes so hard to honor? Can shifting our thinking about agency improve the way we make decisions for ourselves, and help us better love and support others in their choices?
Gail Newbold
Hi Cynthia and Susan, My friend keeps sending me her favorite episodes of your podcast and I just finished the one on agency. I wrote a book with a Mormon-feminist-take on agency that was published by Covenant Communications almost 30 years!! The title is “On New Wings.” I am not promoting myself or the book, since it’s been out of print for so long, but you can find it at libraries. I think you would both be interested. Nothing has changed. 🙂 It covers every detail and aspect of agency from “our” point of view, including my own challenges as a young BYU student with career aspirations, but being told by church and husband I should be a stay-at-home mom. I had a breakdown of sorts after giving birth to three children. In any case, I have worked as a writer/editor my entire adult life. Thanks, Gail Newbold
Susan Hinckley
Hi, Gail — Thanks so much for listening, and for reaching out. I love the title of your book! I often remark—with dismay—how little has really changed. I’m both surprised and not surprised at all. The older I get, the less hope I have of seeing significant change in my lifetime; however, I do fully expect that change will come. Perhaps my granddaughters will finally reap the benefits of the work my own grandmothers began so many decades ago? It sounds like you’ve spent your life engaged in the same work. Thanks for using your voice for the benefit of all. Best to you — Susan