Episode 11: Women on the Edge of Inside
Where do you sit at church…metaphorically speaking? Cynthia and Susan are joined by Jeralee Renshaw for a discussion of the phrase “the edge of inside,” and how and why many Mormon women choose to be there.
Notes & Quotes:
At The Edge of Inside, New York Times, by David Brooks, June 2016
The Crucible of Doubt: Reflections on the Quest for Faith, by Terryl L. and Fiona Givens
The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires Our Trust More Than Our “Correct” Beliefs, by Peter Enns
Gospel Topics Essay on Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo
“A doorkeeper must love both the inside and the outside of his or her group and know how to move between those two loves.” —Richard Rohr, The Eight Core Principles
“The body of Christ needs its full complement of members – the devout, the wayward, the uncomfortable, the struggling.“ —Fiona and Terryl Givens
“Ambiguity and contradiction are part of life. Truth is elusive and malleable. Accepting that condition is a necessary part of maturity.” —Claudia Bushman
“Doubt enters when the need for certainty has run its course.“ —Peter Enns
“We’re all carrying crosses. As we enter the waters of baptism, we covenant to bear one another’s burdens. Picture that with me. You are struggling along under the weight of your cross, and your friend beside you, or perhaps somebody completely unknown, collapses under the weight of his or her cross. As you bend down to help that person with the burden, of necessity you must touch that cross. It is only then that you understand the nature and the depth of the pain that person is carrying. It is only then, when we touch the pain, that we are in a position to be able to mourn, to enter that second covenant to mourn with that person. It is only then that we can truly comfort.” —Fiona Givens, Affirmations Conference, 2015
“Our undoing is also our becoming.” —Terry Tempest Williams