Episode 2: Tell Me What You Know
What do you know? Like, really know-know? The answer may change daily, or even hourly, but it’s a good question to ask yourself, and a good place to start a conversation with someone else. In this episode, Cynthia and Susan talk about the question itself, and share some of their own answers to it.
Notes & Quotes:
Encircle House | An LGBTQ+ Youth & Family Resource
“Never let them (men) get your jewels.” —Aunt Lillie
“Life is fragile.” —Cynthia Winward
“We are all like icebergs. There is much, much more to the story than we can ever understand.” —Susan Hinckley
“I have known the weeds were out here for weeks and I didn’t do anything about it and now it is overwhelming.” —Annonymous
“Impossible standards are okay not to live up to.” —Susan Hinckley
“There are worse things than being wrong. Being unkind is worse than being wrong. Being selfish is worse. Being unkind is worse. Damaging relationships is worse.” —Cynthia Winward
“If we err, let us err on the side of mercy.” —Pres. Hinckley