We’re thrilled so many of you are making good use of our chat feature. As a reminder, Substack settings are such that paid subscribers can start their own threads, which are visible to both free and paid subscribers. ALSSI can start threads that are open to all, or open to paid only. Our Friday Live Chat falls into the paid category—it’s a bit more private!
We’re excited to announce we’re adding another paid-only chat to our weekly schedule starting this Sunday, July 20. We’ve noticed our chat space is always bustling on Sunday, so we want to provide a designated thread for more sensitive discussions. That’s why we’re starting ALSSI Relief Society | Sunday Chats! We’ll post it, then anything you add to this thread will have a more limited audience. Look for the chat each week under this image:
Thanks for all the ways you support ALSSI, and each other! Hope to see you on a thread soon.
Susan & Cynthia
I really enjoy the chat!!! A nice place to vent and gain encouragement:)
I can't express how much I love this idea!! The Relief Society we all need 🥰