Many of us make temple covenants as young adults. Are we expected to have the same perspectives and priorities at 80 that we had at 18? In a church that emphasizes concepts like “staying on the covenant path” and “enduring to the end,” it can be hard to know how to navigate when our life experiences invite us to grow in new directions. In Episode 184, Jana Spangler joins Cynthia and Susan to discuss the challenges Latter-day Saints may face as they change and mature within an inflexible paradigm.

Notes & Quotes:

Find Jana on Instagram here and on Facebook here and professionally here
Find ALSSI Episode 69 with Jana about the Enneagram here
Find ALSSI Episode 135 with Jana about Religious Trauma here
In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development, by Carol Gilligan
Seeing God’s Family through the Overview Lens, by Tamara W. Runia, 10/2023