Have you ever wished you heard Latter-day Saint women talk about modesty using words like context, intention, body acceptance, sexuality, empowerment, and authenticity? Well here’s that conversation! Cynthia and Susan are joined by therapist C.A. Larson for a closer look at the ways we discuss, teach, and practice principles of modesty. How can we approach this topic with our youth in a way that will equip them to make their own good choices?
I had a conversation about this (sort of) recently. The conversation started with a post by a man who is super frustrated with church (Christianity at large) giving men a pass when it comes to taking accountability for the thoughts they choose to entertain. Pastors, youth leaders, and such seem to think “that’s just how men are wired,” and that “boys will be boys,”… and therefore, girls and women must take charge and help men manage their thoughts through modesty. I absolutely do not disagree with the concept and principle of modesty… But what I do take exception to is the reason. Yes, modesty.. but not because guys are incapable of controlling themselves. That’s not my place, not my job, not my stewardship. I AM responsible for respecting my body. I’m accountable for how I choose to honor my heavenly Parents for that gift.
“Women don’t need any more reasons to dislike their bodies.”
Amen! So well said. It’s always heartbreaking to me to consider women and girls getting the message at church that not only are all the people in your life judging how you look, *God* is also judging how you look. Just no. What an awful message! Thanks for responding to this.